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What’s New for Dubai Lynx 2025

Audio & Radio Lynx updated

We've updated the Audio & Radio Lynx to reflect the expansion of Audio work across the industry.

As technology continues to advance, audio content has gained prominence across diverse platforms, breaking free from its traditional radio roots. This shift in focus acknowledges the expanding impact of audio advertising, prompting the name change from "Radio & Audio" to "Audio & Radio".

Refresh to PR

The PR Lynx has undergone a refresh for 2025, to ensure the award accurately reflects the current PR industry, and celebrates the craftsmanship of harnessing PR to deliver a brand message, change behaviour or engage consumers at scale.

Work entered into the ‘Excellence in PR Craft’ section can only be submitted and paid for by independent PR agencies or a company owned by a PR network or independent PR network. This section can be entered by PR agencies only and will sit outside the existing maximum limits for entry within the PR awards.

A new Humour category has been added

This new category will span across all Cultural & Context sections.

Work that celebrates the art of humour in branded communications. Infusing wit, satire, and cleverness into campaigns that provide amusement and create memorable, laughter-inducing connections with audiences.

Refresh to Social & Influencer

Understanding the significance of creators, the refresh to Social & Influencer Lynx is bringing more focus towards content creators than ever before. This refresh places an even greater emphasis on recognising and celebrating the pivotal role that creators play in shaping and amplifying brand messages. It acknowledges the dynamic influence these individuals wield in engaging and resonating with audiences across social and digital platforms, reflecting the evolving nature of communication and branding in the modern era.

Evolution of the Digital Craft Lynx

The Digital Lynx has evolved to the Digital Craft Lynx, celebrating technological artistry. The refreshed award reflects the change within the digital environment, where innovative ideas are masterfully executed, providing enhanced experiences on an ever-increasing range of online mediums.

New question on objectives of the work

Understanding how the creative idea helps a brand achieve its goals is a key factor in Jury discussions. And so we’ve included a dedicated question in the written submission which asks for the objectives of the work. This is a compulsory element on each entry and will provide essential context when the Jury evaluates the work.

Compulsory Cultural Context Question

Following the success of this question last year, for 2025 we’re making the cultural context question mandatory – so that the Jury has as full a picture as possible when it comes to the cultural nuances of the work.

Opt-in Sustainability and DEI Questions

This year you'll be able to opt-in to have your answers to these two questions seen by the jury. By introducing the option for the jury to see these responses we hope that it will ignite conversations in the jury room and encourage entrants that are making progress in these areas to have that additional perspective.

AI Disclaimer

For Dubai Lynx we’re introducing a question, which will ask entrants to disclaim whether AI was used in the work, and if so, how. This is to help the jury judge the work fairly and to help the jury take a balanced view and judge with the full picture.

Ready to get started?

Read the Entry Guide